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Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

Kyuhyun at Mount Surak

Cool.. After traveled toTokyo, and other city in europe, now Kyuhyun traveling to mount surak.
Enjoy your Live, be carreful. :)

Kyuhyun Publish her adventure in twitter
: 수락산 정상에 도착으을~~ 했습니다!!!!!!!!!!!!^^ 됐~~~어!!!!

[TRANS]  : We've arrived at the top of~~ Mount Surak!!!!!!!!!!!!^^ Dooo~~~ne!!!!

Ryeowook's Twitter- replied to Kyuhyun
 : 담에 나두 델꾸가 ~~~>< 아 사진만봐도 상쾌하다 ": 수락산 정상에 도착으을~~ 했습니다!!!!!!!!!!!!^^ 됐~~~어!!!! 

[TRANS RT-ing Kyu's tweet] : Count me in next time ~~~~ ah i feel so cool by seeing picture

[TRANS Second version] : next time i will go ~~~>< it was refreshing just by seeing those picture.

SeoKyungJong the one who go to Mount Surak With Kyuhyun Also Publish her photos with Kyuhyun in her Twitter
: 수락산 정상에 올라왔어요^^ 음하하하~~~~뿌듯해요 어두워지기전에 내려 가야겠습니닷^^
[trans]  : come up to the top of mount ^^I'm so proud (cont)

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